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Feel safe, be safe

Every year, the news seems to get worse when it comes to home break-ins. Theft, assault and worse, there are many reasons to take extra measures to keep your home and family safe. Knowing your family also feels safe in your home is just as important. By working with a professional security company, you can take advantage of many services they offer. Centralised alarm systems that keep your doors locked unless you know the key code, automatic calls to the police and fire department, even adding your home to a regular security route can all be made part of your home security plan.


Feel safe, be safe

Two reasons why a mesh security screen is ideal for an elderly person's home

by Greg Barnes

Here are two reasons why mesh security screens are the ideal security feature for an elderly person's home.

1. They'll find it easy to open and close

One important advantage of a mesh security screen is that it is easy for even very frail elderly people to use. This is because even though these screens are secure, they are light and so a person doesn't need to exert themselves too much to open or close them.

There are several reasons why this matters. Firstly, for a weak elderly person who might have arthritis or other mobility-reducing conditions, having to pull and push a heavy security screen several times a day could exhaust them. On days when they're feeling particularly weak, it could even deter them from leaving their property. Secondly, if an elderly person needs to hurriedly close or open this door (e.g. to stop a hostile stranger from entering their home or to escape), they need doors that can help them do that. 

A light-but-secure mesh screen would be ideal in this situation, as the elderly person would have no trouble handling it, even if they're weak, but the screen would still help them to feel safe when they're alone in their home.

2. Its appearance won't affect their enjoyment of their home

The other benefit of this security feature is that its appearance won't affect an elderly person's enjoyment of their home. This is important, as many elderly people who are retired and not very mobile spend most of their time at home and so may pass many an hour looking at certain features of their property's interior. If they have to constantly look at something which is not very aesthetically pleasing or which just doesn't go with the other features of their home, this could begin to bother them after a while.

While a big steel security door would be a very effective security feature, it would not necessarily add to a home's beauty. Its industrial-style aesthetic could look out of place in any home that has an old-fashioned or cosy look. In contrast, a mesh security door in a colour that matches or blends in with the other colours in a person's home will not only provide them with security but also not have any negative effect on its appearance and in fact, may serve as an eye-pleasing addition to the property.

To learn more, contact security door companies. 
