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Feel safe, be safe

Every year, the news seems to get worse when it comes to home break-ins. Theft, assault and worse, there are many reasons to take extra measures to keep your home and family safe. Knowing your family also feels safe in your home is just as important. By working with a professional security company, you can take advantage of many services they offer. Centralised alarm systems that keep your doors locked unless you know the key code, automatic calls to the police and fire department, even adding your home to a regular security route can all be made part of your home security plan.


Feel safe, be safe

Two myths about the security system installation process

by Greg Barnes

Here are two myths about the security system installation process.

The installation will always result in some unsightly alterations being made to the building

One myth about this installation work is that it always results in unsightly alterations being made to the building. For example, some property owners who want security systems might be worried that the installation work involving the breaking open of some wall plaster, to install the system's wiring behind these walls. They might also be concerned about the size of the holes the installers need to drill when mounting the system's cameras and sensors.

In reality, most security systems can be installed without causing any significant damage to the buildings they're fitted in. Most modern security systems are wireless; as such, their installation doesn't usually involve the fitting of large, complex wiring systems in wall cavities or other parts of buildings. Furthermore, whilst installers will normally need to mount several components of a system (such as its control panel and cameras) on a building's ceilings and walls, this can sometimes be done without drilling holes into these areas, if the client would prefer this. If a client makes this request, their installer may use adhesive hooks or pads to mount these items, so that this process causes no damage.

The installation will be highly disruptive to the occupants of the building

Another myth about the installation of security systems is that it's always highly disruptive. Whilst this could be true in situations where property owners decide to install their own systems, using DIY installation kits, it is not true in instances where professionals carry out this installation work. The main reason for this is that an installation specialist will almost always do a pre-installation evaluation of the property, and then create an installation plan based on this.

This plan, coupled with their experience of having installed many of these systems before, means that they will be able to speed through the fitting of the system on the day of the installation, without causing too much noise or taking up space on the property for long periods. They won't, for example, have to stand around and work out which area of a wall they should mount one of the security cameras on, nor will they spend time trying to work out how to set up the control panel. 

Additionally, installation specialists can often take a flexible approach to this process to accommodate their clients' schedules. If for example, a business owner wants the installation work to only be done during the mornings when their premises are at their quietest, but the system installation will take a full day, the installer might be able to do the first part of the installation one morning, and the second part the following morning.

Contact a local company to learn more about security system installation services.
